Thursday, April 17, 2008

Fear about the future

When one hears experts who are usually rational about sustainability predict that if oil hits $200/gallon, the economy will collapse, and that gas may rise to $12/gallon by the end of the year, one can't help but feel scared.

What more, recent trends of ever rising food prices, is a very bothersome sign to me. Firstly, unlike driving, there is no escape to eating. Secondly, riots are already happening where rice is short. I have been planting some herbs, tomatoes, and fruit trees to have local, organic food but am starting to think I really need to expand the garden.

These news have me so worried that I am seriously considering getting an electric scooter before oil gets so high that the price of these scooters skyrocket and the waiting gets too long.

This is making me feel depressed... but taking actions like the above adds a degree of control that make me feel less helpless.

1 comment:

Lewin said...

You mean $200/barrel right?